
Extrusion is the process of mixing ingredients
together with a combination of heat and shear
pressure. The amount of shear is dependent on the screw speed, screw flight set up, moisture conditions, and dye configuration. This process is a true mixing
and conversion of components brought via temperature
and pressure creating a very complex and potentially unique finished structure.

Extrusion can be very energy efficient and allows the processing of difficult to handle and viscous materials
in an enclosed self-cleaning environment.

At ERIE, we have the ability to manufacture
continuously and cost effectively with tight control of
feed rates, moisture contents and temperatures on several different twin screw co-rotating type systems.
In addition, flexible downstream equipment gives the food development technologist opportunities to meet certain key attributes or characteristics.

There are many different uses for extrusion in the food and health industries including ready to eat cereals or snacks, confectionery products, proteinaceous products, and a variety of combination products.

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